Nafpaktos Psani beach

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General information

Psani beach Nafpaktos: The beach of Psani is characterized by its beauty, along with its convenient facilities. The beautiful port of Nafpaktos, where Psani beach belongs to, divides the beachfront into two parts: the Western area constitutes the beach of Psani, and the Eastern forms the beach of Gribovo. Both of them share very nice features, like the fact of leading to the picturesque promenade where a wide range of restaurants, cafes and other facilities can be found.

Walking along the coastline of this beach leads to the fortified castle of Nafpaktos, the main attraction in town, which also counts on bars and open air restaurants where to enjoy great views. Taking these facts into account, it becomes obvious that we are talking about an organised beach. Just like the beach of Gribovo, Psani beach counts on showers, changing rooms, and lifeguards. It has also many accommodation options, such as modern hotels and room rentals right next to it, and with enough room for an great number of visitors.

The beach is cleaned every day, and there are small and large litter bins every a certain number of metres in order to keep it that way. There are special parking places nearby signed in several parts of the town.

Another convenient detail of this beach is the existence of telephone booths, which reflects how much Psani beach is cared for. These great features have certainly won Psani the Blue Flag Award.Regarding the activities that can be performed on this beach, apart from swimming, there is also a tennis court, as well as two modern playgrounds for children, which allow their parents to relax while they play in safety.

Although Nafpaktos counts on many beautiful beaches and sites, we can mention this beach as the one that is best organized, and with the most number of facilities, which do not play against its undeniable beauty at all.

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