Mesolongi Villages

Mesolongi is a lovely town built among two sea lakes, formed by the endings of two rivers. In the region around Mesolongi, there are many traditional villages that give a nice view of rural life.
Some hotels and accommodation are located around these villages.
After you have seen the best Mesolongi villages, you can also find information about the best beaches.
Guide to 4 villages
Discover our guide to 4 Mesolongi villages. They are all presented with a detailed description, photos and their location on a map of Mesolongi. For the most popular ones, we also provide information about sightseeing in the area, a selection of hotels and reviews.

Location: On western Greece
Description: Mesolongi is the capital of the prefecture of Etoloakarnania. Constructed around a picturesque sea lake, Mesolongi played an important role during the Greek War of Independence.

Location: 12 km north west of Mesolongi
Description: This is a small town constructed on an islet between the sea lakes of Etoliko and Mesolongi. This is an old nautical town with special character and picturesque architecture.
Location: 7 km east of Mesolongi
Description: Evinochori is a small village built on the banks of river Evinos, from whom it took its name.
Location: 15 km east of Mesolongi
Description: This is a small town with no particular tourist interest, apart from the close river of Evinos.

Location: On western Greece
Description: Mesolongi is the capital of the prefecture of Etoloakarnania. Constructed around a picturesque sea lake, Mesolongi played an important role during the Greek War of Independence.

Location: 12 km north west of Mesolongi
Description: This is a small town constructed on an islet between the sea lakes of Etoliko and Mesolongi. This is an old nautical town with special character and picturesque architecture.
Location: 7 km east of Mesolongi
Description: Evinochori is a small village built on the banks of river Evinos, from whom it took its name.
Location: 15 km east of Mesolongi
Description: This is a small town with no particular tourist interest, apart from the close river of Evinos.