The history of Sparti, the greatest of the Greek city-states, traces back to the antiquity, medieval times and the recent years according to several findings and archaeological sites that have discovered throughout the ages. The city located in southern Peloponnese was re-founded in 1834 by King Otto after the liberation of Greece in the Greek War of Independence with long and tree-lined boulevards, large square, neoclassical structures, and nice water system. Since then, Sparti was not renowned for its architecture but it was naturally fortified with mountains due to its geographical location. Its military supremacy made Sparti look like an armory with a few ruined houses.
Over the centuries, they were built some prestigious buildings that were spread to other villages creating a well-structured town. However, King Otto decided to create a modern town out of this abandoned area, in memory of the glorious ancient Sparti. The new town was resided by inhabitants from the nearby Mystras, the famous castle town and today it is characterized by its broad avenues and the well-developed facilities.
The urban architecture of Sparti is evident in the main settlement and the surrounded villages while several neoclassical features adorn the town like the Town Hall and the Archaeological Museum. Apart from the present-day features, Sparti is filled with many Byzantine churches, Mycenaean tombs and ancient ruins which are worth admiring. Almost all parts of the city give beautiful views to Mount Taygetos. Castle remains and monasteries exist in the picturesque nearby villages.
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