Kyparissia Faraklada

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General information

Faraklada village Kyparissia: Faraklada is a small village located 6 km south of Kyparissia and took its name from a number of big gorges that existed in the area. Faraklada is blessed with a fertile land, which the villagers have turned into a beautiful garden of olive groves and vineyards.

According to villagers, Faraklada was established during the Venetian domination of the region. Later on, it got historical significance as it became the county seat of the Turk Aga. Mehmet Kousiouris, the last Turk Aga of the area, raised the esteem of the village and gave benefits to the inhabitants. However, when the villagers were asked to fight for the liberation of Greece in the Greek War of Independence, they did so without any hesitation or thought of the benefits they would lose.

The village celebrates the feast of Saint Panteleimonas, the patron of the village on July, 27th, with a glorious Mass and a local festival in the central square of the village.

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