Epidaurus Archaeological Museum

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Location: Ancient Site
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The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Epidaurus in Greece, Peloponnese: The Archaeological Museum of Epidaurus is located inside the archaeological site, between the Ancient Theatre and the Asklepieion. Established in 1897, the museum was important to store and exhibit the findings of the long excavation on the sanctuary of Asklepios (1881-1928), which were supervised by the archaeologist Panagis Kavvadias.

The construction of the building was completed in 1900 and it opened as a museum in 1909. The building is among the oldest archaeological museums in Greece. In fact, the exhibition of the museum, also organized by Panagis Kavvadias, is old and constitutes a characteristic sample of museology concept of the early 29th century, with dense exhibit ranking in a limited room. This point also shows the need for the construction of a new, modern museum in Epidaurus.

The museum has a small hall and two oblong rooms. These rooms host exhibits from the Archaic till the Roman times, including parts of temples and sanctuaries, the Propylaea of the Ancient Theatre, the Tholos of Epidaurus, Classical and Roman statues, epigraphs, small statuettes, medical tools, coins, and others.



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