Elafonissos Weather

Weather on Elafonissos is very mild, as in the opposite coast of Laconia. The summer is obviously the best season to go to Elafonissos when the sun is shining but temperatures are kept in medium levels. There are some very hot days, of course, when the temperature reaches 40°C, but a cool wind blows sometimes and makes it easy to enjoy your holiday. Autumn is not very rainy on the island but the winds blow stronger. Winter is certainly milder than in other areas of Greece and temperatures are kept between 5 to 15°C. In spring, nature is reborn. Rains are less and temperatures are raising hot again.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Elafonissos in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 19 24 28 31 32 28 23
Sea 16 20 22 25 25 23 23