The Metropolis of Zakynthos (also known as the Metropolitan Church of Zakynthos) is an imposing building at the very center of the island’s Chora! It is a majestic Orthodox church with all the details one would expect, such as a colorful dome, a golden-covered templon, luxurious chandeliers, and countless hagiographies!
Book an unforgettable Tour in Zakynthos or get there with your own rental car.
Founded in the year 2000, the Metropolis features a three-arched main entrance, though its indoor space is unified into one singular arch. Furthermore, it has a pale yellow exterior coloring and a yellow-painted bell tower! In addition, a great time to visit the Metropolis is during the Easter week festivities or during the two yearly celebrations of Agios Dionysios, the patron saint of Zakynthos!
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