How to move around Lefkada

You will find information about transportation in Lefkada and how to move around below.

You can move around Lefkada by using a:
Public Bus (KTEL)Rental CarTaxis and Private TransfersTourWater Taxi

In brief, the best means of transport in Lefkada is the car.
We offer a car rental service at the lowest price and rated

Don't forget to get informed about how to get to Lefkada in order to optimize your travel.

Public buses

Public transportation is the cheapest way to move around the island and an amusing way to explore the region at the same time! Local buses increase their itineraries during summer and take visitors to the main tourist places on the island. The central bus station is located in Lefkada Town.


Discover the bus routes

Taxis and private transfers

A taxi might be an expensive option compared to buses, however, it is definitely a choice that offers you an easy and fast transfer to your destination. Travelers can find taxis in every central spot. You can book a taxi by calling on any of the following phone numbers: 0030 694 4348 010 or 0030 26450 26555.

Water Taxis

Water taxis that depart from the port of Vassiliki take visitors to Porto Katsiki, Egremni and Porto Katsiki. In addition, a small boat from Agios Nikitas reaches the secluded Mylos Beach.



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