Thassos Potamia

General information

Potamia village Thassos : The village of Potamia is located 10km south-east of Limenas, a few kilometres from Panagia. It was built on the slopes of Mount Ypsarion (the tallest mountain of Thassos) from where you will enjoy an excellent panoramic view.

Potamia is one of the most famous villages of Thassos surrounded by lush vegetation. The village is full of old houses with stoned walls and wooden roofs and two beautiful dominate the settlement.

Taverns, cafes, hotels and rooms for rent are available at Potamia. Two paths start from the village, one leading to the beaches below and the other, full of vegetation, leading to the mountain. The Vagis Museum (a Greek American artist) can also be visited.

Things to See & Do in Potamia

Check out the things to see & do in Potamia during your stay and explore what the area has to offer.

Potamia Map

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