Lesvos Vatousa

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General information

Vatousa village Lesvos: Vatoussa is a traditional preserved settlement located 63 km north west of Mytilene, the capital of Lesvos. It surprises all visitors with its unique color and architecture. The village is built around a vast fertile area and today most of the locals are engaged in farming and cattle breeding which are quite developed activities.

Vatoussa was first inhabited in the 10th century and its historic descent reveals plenty of traditional houses and Neoclassical buildings. Its narrow and picturesque alleys are quite harmonized with the natural landscape.

Vatoussa captivates the tourists with its 19th century architectural features. Apart from the nique layout the village has many monuments taht tourists shall visit during their vacation in Lesvos. The Gogou Mansion and the Foklore Museum are places of special interest and relate to the traditional way of life in Vatoussa.

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