Lemnos Folklore Museum

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Location: Portiano
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The Folklore Museum of Lemnos, Eastern Aegean: Located in the village of Portianou, in the Municipality of Nea Koutali, this museum was established in August 1995 by the Association of Portianou Residents in Athens, Piraeus, and Outskirts.

History of the Museum

The Folklore Museum of Portianos was founded in 1995. The building was the house of Vagiakos, which was bought by Vassilis Poriazis, president of the Association of Portians of Lemnos, Athens, Piraeus & Suburbs. The items were collected with great effort, love and passion. The desire is for the Museum to be a place of memory, where the older ones miss the moments of the past and the younger ones learn the manners and customs of our ancestors, grandparents.

The building

The exhibition of the folklore collection operates in a traditional building in the village of Portianou. The building has been designated a protected monument and is a representative sample of the folk architecture of the island of Lemnos. The collection of the Museum was upgraded and reorganized in order to better communicate its content and attract visitors. The exhibition operates on the two floors of the existing building and on the ground floor of the outdoor space, with a total area of approximately 225 sq.m.

The exhibition

The main spaces for the presentation of the thematic units aim through the selection and exhibition of historical objects to highlight the way of life of the people of Lemnos in earlier times, through different aspects of their lives, such as home life, professional activities, spiritual pursuits, manners and customs and anything else that can govern the human life cycle. After studying and analyzing the contents of the collection, the appropriate ways of exhibiting the objects were chosen. The premises of the Museum were reorganized and the presentation of the exhibits is supported by modern means of projection and audiovisual media.



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