Simi Weather

Simi weather: On Simi, the weather during high season is characterized by hot days with warm breezes, a typical feature of many Greek islands. These, along with the bright blue sky and the crystal waters make Simi a great location for summer holidays, especially from June to September.  The temperature in the evenings is comfortable as well, as it also warm and invites for strolls and outdoor meals. In fact, during this time of the year, the island seems to come to life after winter. However, this does not mean that Simi cannot be enjoyed during this particular season, since some agencies organize special packages that allow knowing this island in winter, especially from November to March.

On the other hand, between the months of January and April, the flowers start to blossom, which prepares the ambiance for the upcoming high season. This is when most picturesque landscapes take place, not only because of the vegetation but also when it comes to lighting. It is good to make clear also that winters on Simi are mild, and most of the year the skies are sunny, no matter what season. Like most Greek islands, Simi has great weather that can be perfectly enjoyed during summer holidays. No matter what time of the year, sunny Simi is always available for spending some quality time with nature, while getting in touch with traditional.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Simi in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 17 21 25 29 29 25 21
Sea 17 20 22 24 25 23 22