Rhodes Monolithos Castle

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Location: Monolithos

Monolithos is a small village about 70 km southwest of Rhodes Town. On top of a huge, 236-meter rock standing above the village, a Venetian Castle was built in 1476 by the Knights of Saint John. Its main purpose was to protect the area from pirates and other enemies. The location of the Castle was previously the site of a watchtower dating back to antiquity as well as a Byzantine Castle.

Monolithos Castle was one of the most important forts on the island, with a strategic location overlooking the Mediterranean. Its prime positioning also afforded it the perfect natural fortification against enemies. In fact, according to a 1479 decree, residents of the nearby Apolakkia Village were ordered to seek refuge inside the Castle’s walls in case of an attack.

To reach the Venetian structure, you have to climb a narrow path with many steps, among lush greenery. Most of its walls have been ruined for a long time. In the middle of it, you will find a restored white chapel dedicated to Saint Panteleimon and another smaller chapel that is dilapidated. There are also some old cisterns, which were used to collect water and supply the whole area.

The hike up the Castle is more than worth it for the gorgeous scenery that it provides. Visitors can enjoy the surrounding lush greenery in addition to stunning panoramic views of Monolithos. You can also spot the neighboring islands of Halki and Alimia residing on the glistening blue waters of the Aegean.



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