Prassonissi is a peninsula that lies on the southernmost end of Rhodes. The peninsula is crowned by an abandoned lighthouse, overlooking the sea atop a 65-meter hill. It was constructed by the French Company of Ottoman Lighthouses in 1890 but stopped operating during the Second World War. In 1947 it became part of the Greek Lighthouse Network and it started operating again.
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The lighthouse first used acetylene as its light source, a colorless flammable gas widely used as fuel. In 1952 the torch was replaced by an oil mechanism that was used until 1986, when the lighthouse became solar-powered. At its base, this 14-meter structure houses the lighthouse keeper’s dwelling, consisting of four bedrooms and one kitchen.
To get to the lighthouse you will need to embark on a 3 km hike, following the dirt track that begins at Prassonissi Beach. Those willing to make the trek can expect a stunning view from the lighthouse’s vantage point, with the glistening blue waters of the Aegean on full display. One can also spot the neighboring Karpathos off in the distance, while the sunset here is also one of the most beautiful in the area so be sure not to miss it.
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