Rhodes Great Hammam

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Location: Town

Built in the 16th century, during the Ottoman occupation of the island, the Great Hammam is one of the few remaining Turkish baths in the medieval Town of Rhodes. It is also known as the Souleiman Baths, the Mustafa Baths, and Yeni Hammam (New Baths).

The first part, which was originally constructed in 1558, was the men’s baths, a beautiful square, symmetrical structure; the women’s baths were added some years later, under the rule of Mustafa Pasha. The interior is even more impressive, as the cold room is embellished with a huge starred dome, luxurious marble decorations, and an elegant fountain at the center. The steam room, with its polygonal heated slab in the middle and its remarkable architecture, also has a distinctive character.

Today, the building has been restored and is open to the public, offering massages, exfoliation, and a traditional head-to-toe bath.



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