Tinos Virtual Museum

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Location: Town
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Having opened its gates in 2024, the Virtual Museum of Tinos is an innovative foundation utilizing digital technology to showcase the island’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage from antiquity to the present. It is housed in a beautifully restored two-story building in the Malamatenia district of Tinos Town, close to the old port.

Resonating not only with the locals but also with a number of researchers, scientists, collectors and museums, the idea for the establishment of such a digital museum has led to the creation of rich thematic libraries bringing together an astonishing variety of material concerning factors that have shaped the island’s identity. Thus, its permanent collection is divided into five basic units - geology, history, architecture, folklore and fine arts. At the same time, it focuses on the conditions that have determined the island’s artistic tradition in terms of marble carving, basket weaving and other local crafts.

In order to present its digital exhibits in an engaging way, the founders of the museum have designed a series of special multimedia applications. Among others, visitors will have the chance to use a table with an interactive map of Tinos, see Tinian folk stories come alive before their very eyes, or visit the traditional residence of the local artist Nikolaos Gyzis through the help of VR glasses!

The Virtual Museum of Tinos is open daily (except on Tuesdays) from July 1 to September 30 and accepts visitors between 10:30 and 14:00. Moreover, during August, there are additional opening hours on Saturday evenings, from 20:30 to 22:00.



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