Syros Archaeological site of Chalandriani

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Location: Halandriani

Consisting mainly of a cemetery belonging to the Early Cycladic Period, the Archaeological Site of Chaladriani in Syros was discovered by the Greek classical archaeologist Christos Tsountas in 1895. He was the one who also discovered the archaeological site of Kastri which is located quite close by.

The site is unique and quite interesting, as the graves discovered were corbelled and also included a lot of wealthy items, such as vessels looking like frying pans, with representations of ships carved on them. The artifacts have been put up on display at the Archaeological Museum of Syros.

The 600+ graves and the items found there throw light on life during the Early Cycladic period between 2700 and 2000 BC. It is believed by many that at Platy Vouni, an area located nearby, there is a cave in which the great philosopher and historian Pherekides, who was also the teacher of Pythagoras, resided.



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