How to move around Kythnos

Below, you will find information about transportation in Kythnos and how to move around below:

You can move around Tinos by using:
Public BusTaxis & Private TransfersCar RentalWater Taxis
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In brief, the most convenient way of moving around is a rental car or motorbike, as both buses and taxis are limited.

Don't forget to get informed about how to get to Kythnos in order to optimize your travel.

Public buses

Public buses (KTEL) are definitely the most budget-friendly way to move around. However, their schedules are limited even during the high season and only serve the main five villages of the island, i.e. Chora, Driopida, Merichas, Kanala and Loutra. Visitors can find the available timetables at the Info Kiosk right outside the port.

Discover the bus routes


Taxis are a pricier alternative but can get you to more settlements and beaches compared to buses. You must remember, though, that only a limited number of taxis are available on Kythnos, so if you want to leave from a specific place at a specific time, you should contact a local taxi driver in advance and schedule a pick-up. To do so, you can call 0030 694 580 0278, 0030 694 589 5347, or 0030 694 474 3791.

Car Rental

If you don't bring your vehicle to the island, renting a car is the best thing you can do! A car or motorbike allows you to explore the island at your own pace and gain access to most spots! You will find car rental agencies close to the port in Merichas.


Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered the most common questions regarding transportation in Kythnos and answered them for you.
Do you have another question? Are you looking for additional information to organize your trip? Let us know! You can send us your questions or post them in our community section.
Our informative team and community members will be more than happy to serve you!

• How can I get to my hotel from the port?

If you have arranged to stay in Merichas, you can simply walk to your accommodation, as the village is not particularly large and the distances are small. If your accommodation lies in Chora, Loutra, Driopida, or Kanala, then, depending on your ferry's arrival time, you may be able to hop on a bus to reach your destination. Finally, if you have booked a hotel in another area, you can only get there by taxi or rental car, if you have not brought your vehicle on the island with you.

• How can I get to Chora?

Chora is connected with Merichas, Driopida, Loutra, and Kanala by bus, yet schedules are limited. If bus schedules don't work for you, you can choose between a rental car or a taxi, yet keep in mind that taxis are also few.

• How can I get to some of the finest beaches?

In general, a rental car is the only way to reach all beaches on the island. The most charming beach of Kythnos, Kolona, can also be reached by water taxi from the port of Merichas. Lastly, the beaches in Loutra and Kanala can be approached by bus succeeded by a brief walk.

• Can I rely on public means of transport?

That depends on your holiday schedule. Buses are the only available public means of transport in Kythnos but their itineraries are limited and stop around 21.00, even during the high season. Also, they only connect the island's five main villages.

• Are the distances between Chora and the touristy spots long?

Chora is situated in a relatively short distance from Merichas, Loutra and Driopida, which are among the most touristy spots.



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