Koufonisia Weather
The weather in Koufonisia is typical of the rest of the Cyclades, being characterized by mild winters and hot sunny summers. Rainfall is normally scarce, but humidity levels tend to be high.
In brief, summertime in Koufonisia is warm and dry, with peak temperatures in July and August fluctuating between 27°C (80.6°F) and 34°C (93.2°F). The weather conditions are generally pleasant from May till October.
Below, you can see the average temperatures in Koufonisia between April and October, but we have also gathered information regarding the weather by month.
Average High & Low Air Temperature (in °C/°F)
Months | Air High | Air Low | Sea | Rainfall | Sunshine |
April | 22.5°C/72.5°F | 17.2°C/63°F | 16.3°C/61.3°F | 3 days | 11 Hours |
May | 24°C/75.2°F | 18.2°C/64.8°F | 18.6°C/65.5°F | 1 day | 12.5 Hours |
June | 30.9°C/87.6°F | 23.6°C/74.5°F | 21.6°C/70.9°F | 0 days | 13 Hours |
July | 31.6°C/88.9°F | 26°C/78.8°F | 23.4°C/74.1°F | 0 days | 13 Hours |
August | 31.3°C/88.3°F | 25.5°C/77.9°F | 24.2°C/75.6°F | 0 days | 12 Hours |
September |
28.9°C/84°F |
23.5°C/74.3°F | 23.3°C/73.9°F | 1 day | 11 Hours |
October | 24.2°C/75.6°F | 20°C/68°F | 21.4°C/70.5°F | 3 days | 9 Hours |
Weather by month
Discover the weather in Koufonisia by month:
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
January is one of the coldest months in Koufonisia, with temperatures often below 10°C/50°F and little sunshine throughout the day.
The average temperature is 14.3°C/57.4°F (maximum 16.3°C/61.3°F | minimum 12.5°C/54.5°F)
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 7.1°C/44.8°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 20.3°C/68.5°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 6.6 hours.
Humidity reaches 72%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 17.2 kph (10.7 mph).
The mean sea temperature is about 16.3°C/61.3°F; hence, the waters are frigid.
Though the weather presents a slight improvement when compared to January, February is still part of the winter season in Koufonisia.
The average temperature is 15.4°C/59.7°F (maximum: 17.6°C/63.7°F | minimum 13.4°C/56.1°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 9.1°C/48.4°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 20.5°C/68.9°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 7.5 hours.
Humidity reaches 71%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 13.7 kph (8.5 mph).
The mean sea temperature is about 15.8°C/60.4°F, so swimming is not recommended.
March gradually marks the beginning of spring, as temperatures remain quite low but days get considerably longer.
The average temperature is 16.2°C/61.2°F (maximum 18.9°C/66°F | minimum 13.6°C/56.5°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 11.6°C/52.9°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 23.5°C/74.3°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 9.4 hours.
Humidity reaches 72%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 10.7 kph (6.7 mph).
The mean sea temperature is about 15.7°C/60.3°F, so the waters are still too cold for swimming.
In April, there is a marked improvement in the weather, with temperatures being neither too high nor too low. However, this change is still not translated into a considerable change in the mean sea temperature.
The average temperature is 19.7°C/67.5°F (maximum 22.5°C/72.5°F | minimum 17.2°C/63°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 14.2°C/57.6°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 25.1°C/77.2°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 11 hours.
Humidity reaches 70%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 14.2 kph (8.8 mph).
The mean sea temperature is about 16.3°C/61.3°F, so the waters are still too cold for swimming.
Being mostly sunny and pleasantly warm, May is one of the best months to visit the island as accommodation prices are lower than in the summer months. Swimming is not out of the question either, as long as you can handle the cool waters.
The average temperature is 20.8°C/69.4°F (maximum: 24°C/75.2°F | minimum: 18.2°C/64.8°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 14.1°C/57.4°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 28°C/82.4°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 12.4 hours.
Humidity reaches 71%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 11.6 kph (7.2 mph).
The mean sea temperature is about 18.6°C/65.5°F; hence, the waters are quite cool but not freezing anymore.
Marking the start of the summer season, June features much higher temperatures and a maximum of sunshine. It is a great month to enjoy all aspects of Koufonisia and hotel prices still tend to be lower than in July and August.
The average temperature is 27°C/80.6°F (maximum 30.9°C/87.6°F | minimum 23.6°C/74.5°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 19.9°C/67.8°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 34.9°C/94.8°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 13.1 hours.
Humidity reaches 68%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 13.3 kph (8.3 mph).
The mean sea temperature is 21.6°C/70.9°F, so the waters are somewhat warmer.
In Koufonisia, July is a hot and dry month. It is the time of the year when more visitors flock to the island, so it is recommended that you book your ferry tickets and accommodation well in advance.
The average temperature is 28.8°C/83.8°F (maximum 31.6°C/88.9°F | minimum 26°C/78.8°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 22.7°C/72.9°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 34.6°C/94.3°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 12.9 hours.
Humidity reaches 69%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 17.4 kph (10.8 mph).
The mean sea temperature is 23.4°C/74.1°F, so the waters are quite warm.
Just like July, August is a hot and dry month, while the waters are at last pleasantly warm. Many visitors come to enjoy the island’s dreamy beaches, so it is recommended that you book your ferry tickets and accommodation well in advance.
The average temperature is 28.3°C/82.9°F (maximum 31.3°C/88.3°F | minimum 25.5°C/77.9°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 23.4°C/74.1°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 34.4°C/93.9°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 12.1 hours.
Humidity reaches 70%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 13.5 kph (8.4 mph).
The mean sea temperature is 24.2°C/75.6°F, so the waters are quite warm.
September is the first month of fall, when temperatures gradually decrease. However, the waters are still ideal for swimming, as the sea has absorbed the warmth of the summer sun. Though Koufonisia is never too crowded with visitors, September is one of the best times to come if you seek even more peace and quiet.
The average temperature is 25.9°C/78.6°F (maximum 28.9°C/84°F | minimum 23.5°C/74.3°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 20.3°C/68.5°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 32.2°C/90°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 10.9 hours.
Humidity reaches 71%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 11.8 kph (7.3 mph).
The mean sea temperature is 23.3°C/73.9°F, so the waters are quite warm.
In October, the weather begins to chill, while there are fewer tourist-oriented amenities available.
The average temperature is 21.9°C/71.4°F (maximum 24.2°C/75.6°F | minimum 20°C/68°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 16.4°C/61.5°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 28.8°C/83.8°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 9.2 hours.
Humidity reaches 73%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 16.6 kph (10.3 mph).
The mean sea temperature is 21.9°C/70.5°F, so the waters are cool, just like in June.
November is colder and more rainy than the previous months, while days are notably shorter.
The average temperature is 17.2°C/63°F (maximum 19.3°C/66.7°F | minimum 15.1°C/59.2°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 10.3°C/50.5°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 22.7°C/72.9°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 7.8 hours.
Humidity reaches 74%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 14.7 kph (9.1 mph).
The mean sea temperature is 20°C/68°F, so the waters are quite cool.
December marks the beginning of winter, with cold and often rainy days, as well as a minimum of sunshine.
The average temperature is 15.7°C/60.3°F (maximum 17.9°C/64.2°F | minimum 13.5°C/56.3°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 9°C/48.2°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 21°C/69.8°F.
The sunshine lasts approximately 6.5 hours.
Humidity reaches 73%, while the mean speed of the wind is around 22 kph (13.7 mph).
The mean sea temperature is about 17.9°C/64.2°F, so swimming is not recommended.