Located among Ano Koufonisi, Kato Koufonisi and Keros, Glaronissi is a tiny islet whose only permanent residents are the seagulls that go there to nestle and lay their eggs. Though flat and nearly barren, it has been declared a Natura 2000 protected area and is surrounded by dreamy coves with mesmerizing turquoise waters ideal for relaxation and seclusion.
On the eastern coast of Glaronissi, there is a cluster of five rocks with numerous sea caves and translucent waters perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving. If you look them up on the map, you will see them aptly marked as the Pillars of Glaronissi.
To reach this heavenly islet, you can either rent a boat or arrange your transfer with one of the boatmen operating the water taxis in Chora.
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