Koufonisia Nero beach

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General information

Located in the heavenly Kato Koufonisi, Nero is a long beach whose crystalline azure waters contrast sharply with the dazzling turquoise hues commonly associated with Koufonisia. At places, high cliffs rise over the beach, adding to its wild beauty, while a small oasis with palm trees and tamarisks can also be found a stone’s throw away from the water’s edge. Both the shore and the sea bottom are strewn with a combination of sand and pebbles, so it might be a good idea to come equipped with a pair of water shoes, especially on hot summer days when the pebbles are heated by the scorching sun.

The best way to get to Nero Beach is by boat, as the water taxis connecting Ano and Kato Koufonisi also stop there. Alternatively, visitors can disembark at the Venetsanos tavern and then hike to Nero, which lies around 3 kilometers from the tavern. The fact that Nero is easily accessible by boat means that it is also the most frequented beach in Kato Koufonisi; nevertheless, it remains completely non-organized, so you will need to bring along all the necessary supplies, including water and an umbrella. Despite the relatively high number of bathers, nudism is often practiced there as well.

Bonus info: Though Kato Koufonisi is uninhabited, its permanent residents —some cute goats— will probably come and greet you as soon as you arrive at Nero!

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