Flights to Lassithi

Below, you will find all the information about flights to Lassithi.
National flightsInternational flights

In brief, the airport of Sitia receives limited flights to and from Athens throughout the year. Also, some airplanes from abroad reach Sitia infrequently during the high season.
Notes: • There are no direct flights to Lassithi from anywhere but Europe.
• People usually choose the ports of Lassithi (Agios Nikolaos and Sitia) or the nearby airport of Heraklion for their visits to Lassithi.

You can fly from Sitia to other destinations in Greece (and vice versa) with a one-transit stop at the International Airport of Athens.

Via Athens: Fly directly to Athens International Airport and, from there, to Sitia. Alternatively, you can take a ferry to Lassithi from Piraeus Port.

It is important to remember that airline tickets do not have a set price, and their cost fluctuates depending on the season, so you may choose to plan a few months ahead and book all necessary tickets in advance.


National Flights

Sitia Airport (JSH) is located 3.7 km from the town of Sitia and 3 km from the port.

• From Athens Airport

There are a few direct flights per week connecting Athens to Lassithi! During the summertime, Sitia Airport receives flights every day. Travel time is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Athens to Lassithi (Sitia) flights are operated by Olympic Air (owned by Aegean Airlines).

• From Alexandroupoli Airport

Some direct flights connect Alexandroupoli to Lassithi and Sitia Airport, increasing for the spring and summer months! This trip lasts about 1 hour and 40 minutes.
The flights are operated by Sky Express.

• From Preveza Airport

Some flights from Preveza's Aktion Airport reach the Sitia Airport of Lassithi a few times per week or month, depending on the time of year! This trip lasts about 1 hour and 35 minutes.
The flights are operated by Sky Express.

• From Kasos Airport

Flights from Kasos to Lassithi are available a couple of times per week throughout the year, with itineraries mainly in the summer! The journey lasts only about 25 minutes.
The flights are operated by Olympic Air (owned by Aegean Airlines).


International Flights & Airlines

• Most international flights to & from Lassithi are only available during the late spring/summer season. Availability is subject to change every year so some routes may be added or removed.
• There are no direct flights from the USA, Canada, Australia, Asia & Africa. The best airports for transit are Athens (GR) and Naples (IT).

The following data are indicative. It is better to double-check the available dates before planning your trip!

There are direct flights connecting Lassithi to two countries!
Denmark | Italy

    - From Denmark (Copenhagen)
    Operated by: Spies Rejser (May-October)
    - From Italy (Milan, Naples)
    Operated by: EasyJet (June-August)



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