Heraklion Theseus beach

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General information

Theseus Beach is a small beach, 23 kilometers northwest of Heraklion Town. Found at the bottom of a steep downhill zig-zagging path 1 kilometer long, through rows of luxurious housing, it is an artificial beach in the midst of a small marina.

Theseus itself is a gated community, but access to the beach is granted to visitors in the summer, provided they leave their car behind at the entrance. An alternative for visitors is to reach the beach by boat. Theseus Beach is pretty small, with a canteen and a few sunbeds present for beachgoers to relax at.
The beach is pebbly and starts off shallow, but it quickly drops a number of meters in depth. Due to its location, it is well-shielded from the northern and north-western wind common to this part of Crete, making for calm waters that combine well with the depth to offer pristine snorkeling conditions.

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