Heraklion Krassas beach

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General information

Krassas Beach is a tranquil, isolated shore only 500 meters east of Tsoutsouros. The coast consists of two bays, each with its own charming small beach. According to a myth, the sarcophagus of King Minoas is buried deep under the sand.

The beach is sandy and not organized with sunbeds or umbrellas, but you can enjoy the shade offered by trees. The sea water is crystal-clear and boasts a dazzling light blue color. The place is recommended for fishing and snorkeling and is also nudist-friendly.

Krassas is of vital importance to the Cretan ecosystem. On this coast, sea turtle species under protection come and lay their eggs, from May until fall. In addition, in this area, you can find the first Aloe vera plantation in Crete.

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