Heraklion Fylakes beach

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General information

Fylakes Beach is a tiny sandy cove hidden just to the side of Agia Pelagia Beach. To reach it, one has to head to the northernmost point of Agia Pelagia, where a chapel stands, and keep walking past it, onto the craggy rocks that circle the cape. However, this trek is difficult, and the way back includes an almost vertical climb back up the rocks.
The alternative is to swim around the cape or to take a small boat or canoe.

Once at Fylakes Beach, you will find yourself at an almost untouched piece of sand, which is narrow enough to "disappear" when weather conditions whip up stronger waves.
The fine sand leads swimmers straight into green-blue waters and the view back at the beach after a few steps outwards reveals an almost tropical landscape, with the rocky canopies covered by lush vegetation, with grasses, flowering bushes, cacti, and trees, especially palm trees, visible from below.

Due to its size and location, the beach is entirely unorganized, but this is considered a positive for a beach that feels isolated from the outside world.

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