Rivers in Greece

Rivers in Greece are relatively small in comparison to rivers of other countries. They start from the mountaintops where the snow melts, cross the valleys below and usually empty in the sea, or in some cases in lakes. The rivers in Greece are shallow and turbulent, which makes them great for rafting, river trekking, and canoe-kayak.
The longest flowing rivers in Greece are Evros and Axios. However, they both originate from neighboring countries and empty in the Greek sea. The longest river that has its springs in the country is Aliakmon River, which flows through western Macedonia. Apart from some sections of Rivers Evros and Loudias, the rest are not navigable due to the rush of the waters.
Important ecosystems and hydro biotopes have been formed along the lengths of many rivers in Greece. These ecosystems are protected by international agreements. In the summer months, cultural events are organized at the riversides, such as the famous 3-day River Party in Nestorio Kastoria and the Summer Party in the Springs of Acheron in Parga.
In winter and spring, rafting activities are organized in many Greek rivers. Very famous rivers for rafting and canoeing-kayaking are Voidomatis River in Zagorochoria, Lousios River in central Peloponnese and Evinos River in Nafpaktos.