Fourni Kamari beach

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General information

Kamari beach Fourni: Kamari is a charming coastal settlement located in the eastern part of Fourni, across the island of Agios Minas, the third largest and uninhabited island of the complex. Located 10 km northeast of the capital village, Kamari beach offers a great snorkeling experience because of its transparent and shallow waters.

The beach is surrounded by a rocky landscape and its peaceful environment and rare beauty enchant every visitor. There are only a few tourist facilities in Kamari. The place is reachable either by boat from the main port or by motorbike. Because of the small size of the cove the beach is protected from the strong winds and there are no waves. The swimmers will find here their small paradise. The church of Agios Minas on a hill above Kamari is worth a visit.

Kamari Map

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